An American Heart Association Basic Life Support Instructor has the capability to instruct AHA BLS Healthcare Providers Course as well as the Renewal Course. In addition, AHA BLS Instructors also possess the ability to teach the Heartsaver series courses to include First Aid.
American Heart Association BLS is designed for healthcare professionals and other personnel who need to know how to perform CPR and other basic cardiovascular life support skills. This course trains participants to promptly recognize several life-threatening emergencies, give high-quality chest compressions, deliver appropriate ventilations and provide early use of an AED.
In this course, participants will learn:
- The key components of high-quality chest compressions
- The importance of rapid AED use
- Single & multi-rescuer CPR teamwork approach
- Providing effective ventilations
- Relief of choking for adults, children & infants
AHA BLS Instructor Candidates must accomplish the following tasks:
- Have attended a class and have a BLS provider card dated at most 1 year prior to instructor course
- Complete AHA Basic Life Support Instructor Essentials exam
- Successfully complete AHA BLS Instructor course and paperwork with Strategic Trauma Solutions faculty
- Successfully be monitored instructing a course within first six months following completion of Instructor Course
*Strategic Trauma Solutions will assist in completing all tasks and obtaining instructor materials for you to own.