Standard CPR/AED & First Aid

Course Overview
Strategic Trauma Solutions is also an Education Center for Emergency Care & Safety Institute (ECSI). This CPR & First Aid course is for lay responders with little or no medical training who want/need training for their job or anyone who wants to be prepared for an emergency in any setting. ECSI CPR is a 100% OSHA compliant course that can be a more cost-effective solution for training. This course is appropriate for everyone who wants to learn life saving skills!
Course Curriculum
In this course, participants will learn: What to do if someone is choking How to perform high-quality chest compressions Early use of an AED Basic cleaning, bandaging, & splinting of injuries Basic bleeding control for several types of wounds We’ll also discuss early recognition of stroke, seizures, blood sugar issues, environmental emergencies, and wherever the rabbit-hole leads us! This class is guided by your questions & desire for knowledge.
Certification Details
This certification expires in 2 years.
Instructor Information
Our instructors are active healthcare providers to include nurses, EMTs, firefighters, law enforcement, and paramedics.
Training Format
This course is 100% in-person and is littered with hands-on skills. We’ll practice CPR, using an AED, some bandaging, & performing bleeding control with tourniquets, wound packing, and pressure dressings.
Benefits of Certification
Most educators in the state of Texas are required to have this certification. This course is recommended for any individuals that may host or work in areas that people may gather or have a potential for serious injury.
Student Resources
Check out the Emergency Care & Safety Institute’s website for more details on training. We offer all courses listed, feel free to ask!
Testimonials and Reviews
Include testimonials from past students or healthcare professionals who have completed the course and benefited from their certification. Positive reviews can help reassure prospective students of the course's quality and effectiveness.
Who can take this course?
- Anyone can take this course!
Does this certification expire?
- Yes. This certification does expire every 4 years
Why would myself or my children take this class?
- Bleeding emergencies in the home occur every day, for one reason or another. During a bleeding emergency in my home when my son was 10 years old, he was the FIRST person to grab his first aid kit to render aid! Children have an innate desire to help others and they’re fast learners. The more people that are trained, the safer we all are.
How long is this course? Is it boring?
- Nope, we aren’t boring people. Our team engages with stories, questions, hands-on skills, & open discussion. Many times, this course is guided by your questions! Training takes 1-2 hours to complete, depending on the amount of questions. We have fun and try to not leave any stone unturned.
Team training for your group or organization to improve client safety & well-being.
Looking for a group or an organization solution? Contact Us
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Our Locations
- San Antonio, TX, USA
- Austin, TX, USA
- Dallas, TX, USA
- Houston, TX, USA

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Emergency Care & Safety Institute
At the Emergency Care & Safety Institute, we believe there’s a better way to offer CPR and first aid training. We’ve been working closely with emergency care educators and students for over 15 years and see how hard you work to ensure our communities are safe.
ECSI offers high-quality materials that meet the latest CPR and ECC guidelines and don’t break the bank. Providing flexible course delivery options to help students learn critical skills.
ECSI provides CPR, first aid, and other safety-related training solutions that lead to certifications that meet job-related requirements as defined by hundreds of regulatory authorities throughout the world. Throughout the United States and across the globe, ECSI is accepted by regulatory bodies such as OSHA, The Joint Commission, and state offices of EMS, Education, and Health.